Friday, February 6, 2009

I've Come to the Realization...

...that it is pretty sad to be 30 years old, currently living in a beautiful location, but my best friend here stands less than three feet tall, dribbles milk when he drinks, and thinks it is scientifically essential (and great fun) to attempt to measure the distance from the upstairs bathroom to the downstairs livingroom using an entire roll of toilet paper. He also gets me in a lot of trouble in the supermarket when he screams "YES! YES! YES!" in rapid fire succession, doesn't pronounce the "y," and earns me a lot of dirty looks from other parents. Yes, my kid inadvertently curses, but at least it's not "NO! NO! NO!" right?

I would like to say that I've had the opportunity to really enjoy my first three weeks in Hawaii, but I honestly have not had much time to do so. Things have been so busy here, as alluded to in my previous posts, that I seriously have not spent more than fifteen minutes on the beach...SERIOUSLY. (Actually, I did it today to see some humpback whales--that was pretty cool.) I told Chris this morning that between car buying, registering two cars in three different locations, registering myself and Noah on base for medical and housing, and doing MAJOR move-in repairs (we won't get into that here--that deserves its own special post), that the "cafeteria lady," "janitor," and "errand runner" are feeling a bit worn out. I'm SO exhausted and this is suppose to be of fun and relaxation. I guess not if you actually trying to live here. ;)

So back to my "best friend" comment. I'm really thankful I have Noah with me--he truly works overtime to keep me on my toes these days--but I think if it weren't for the fact that I've been so busy these last three weeks, I'd be a lot more bummed about the fact that loneliness is a very real factor for me here, masked by a busy schedule and beautiful surroundings. I think if I weren't in Hawaii right now and couldn't walk outside on my lanai every evening to do the "what do you have to complain about?" reality check, I'd be depressed. Maybe next week I'll get out with Noah and dig my toes in the sand...a day at the beach sounds grand!

~ Amanda


  1. I declare a holiday! The tasks can wait! Aloha Amanda Day! And if I knew more Hawaiian I'd throw it in.
    Maybe Noah's "'es! 'es! 'es!" is God's way of reminding you that He's covering your a-, I mean back. :-)
    God bless your drooly, inquisitive buddy. I'll be sure Noah gets a case of Scott for his next birthday.
    love and hugs to you! You're doing better than you think in a task that's harder than you imagined.
    lov, love, love you ~ eileen

  2. Moving to a new location is tough all around. You make so many friends at your old base, then you move to a new one and have to leave that comfort. Give yourself an adjustment period. Those first few months of getting your house set up, learning the area, making friends, etc... take time. I know what you are feeling, it was good to hear it put into words by someone else.

  3. And I have 2 suggestions for you.
    1. Join Facebook (unless you are one of those that refuse). I joined a couple of months ago and it has really helped me. I am stuck at home most days and I can get on there and socialize with other adults without leaving the house.
    2. Call me!

  4. I know what you mean about busy! I've just gotten up to date that you are in Hawaii. Hopefully things will calm down and you can enjoy the beach soon. Luckily, it's not going anywhere any time soon, though this might not be much of a consolation. I'll have to email more properly later--the Sloans may be off to Japan in the coming year and I need the Dudley expertise!

  5. Thanks All!

    Eileen - Noah and I are going to the zoo later in the week to practice our best monkey impressions...should be fun. :)

    Jamie - I'll try to Skype when I get it figured out. I have a board meeting on Thursday, so I should have it down pat after that.

    Louise - BIG HI! *hug* How's life? How's motherhood? E-mail me when you get the chance...I want updates on Jack (and Graham, of course). :)

  6. Aw, totally "feel" you in this blog post. I'm feeling sort of the same way here right now and I've been in Japan over two years! So cliche...but the lonely times make us stronger - it just sucks in the process! Love to you.
